Station Level Elections 2017 – Shop Steward and Safety Representative
Dear Members:
I hope you had a great holiday season and enjoyed some down time.? The election process for electing our Station Shop Stewards and Safety Representatives throughout the Province starts January 1, 2017.
In accordance with Bylaw 13.b.14 the elections of all station level positions shall be held biennially, within the relative station. Elections for these positions shall be for the term of office from January 2017 to January 2019.
Station level positions shall be defined as: Shop Steward and Station Safety Representative.
Nominations shall commence biennially on January 1 and shall remain open for a period no less than three (3) weeks.
Elections shall commence biennially on February 1 and shall remain open for a period no less than three (3) weeks.
Results from station elections shall be forwarded to the appropriate Regional Vice President or Provincial Safety Director within seven (7) days of election close.
For posts, which require Platoon Safety Representatives, positions shall be elected from the pool of Station Safety Representatives within the relevant district.
The elected Station Safety Representatives will be responsible for attending the DOSH meeting in March in their relative Region or District.
You can find full details, with instructions and the pre-built forms you need for each step here: – PLEASE do NOT use any other forms, make your own, etc. We need to try and keep as much consistency as we can.
Once again, these elections are to take place at the station level, organized by the Shop Steward and reporting back to your Regional Recording Secretary.
Please feel free to contact your RVP or myself if you have any questions about this election process.
In solidarity,
Jason Jackson
Provincial Recording Secretary
Ambulance Paramedics of BC – CUPE 873
Ph: 250-983-8535 //
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