Memo: Communications Update

January 27, 2022

Dear Members,

Re:  Communications Director & Website Administrator Positions

An expression for interest was issued this past December for the Communications Director position as well as the Website Administrator position.

Unfortunately, we received no applications for Website Administrator, and as such the position remains vacant at this time. Our APBC bylaws permit the local to hire a contractor for this role if necessary, and as such the Provincial Executive Committee is beginning that process.

The Provincial Executive Committee is happy to announce that Ian Tait will be continuing in his role as Communications Director. Ian took over the Communications Director role in October last year and quickly became a vital asset to the Communications Team and Provincial Executive Board. We look forward to having Ian’s enthusiasm, professionalism and expertise guide our local’s communications strategies and platforms over the next two years.


Provincial Executive Committee
Ambulance Paramedics of BC
CUPE Local 873

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