Welcome to the Public Education page. This area is for all members to stay informed about current public events occurring around the province. Please visit this page regularly, to ensure you are up to date on what’s happening. With your help, use of fun handouts and appearances of our new mascot ‘Bearamedic’, we can increase public awareness of our profession with children and the general public. Please, volunteer today!

Have you recently attended a Public Education event, or an idea for a future event?

If you’ve recently participated in a Public Education event, we want your feedback and pictures! Please email your feedback, pictures or ideas for future events to: public.ed@apbc.ca.

Public Education Contacts

Region Name Email
General Office General PE Office public.ed@apbc.ca
Provincial Director Sherry Trider sherry.trider@apbc.ca
Region 1 North Jeff Copp Jeffrey.copp@apbc.ca
Region 1 South Kathy Sywake Kathryn.sywake@apbc.ca
Region 2 East Douglas Vair Douglas.vair@apbc.ca
Region 2 West (North)
Region 2 West (East)
Region 3 Chelsey Sharp Chelsey.sharp@apbc.ca
Region 4 Kimberly O’Kane Kim.okane@apbc.ca
Region 5-8 Jim Vanderploeg jim.vanderploeg@apbc.ca

Public Education Request Form

Participating in and/or organizing an event? Use this form to request Bearamedic, the Public Education Ambulance or swag.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you requesting the Public Education Ambulance?
Are you requesting Bearamedic?
Are you requesting an APBC banner?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please note the following when making a request:

  1. Swag, Bearamedic and the Public Education Ambulance are based on availability and subject to change at short notice. Priority based on first requests.
  2. The Public Education Ambulance information package will be emailed to you separately after confirmation of your request is made.
  3. APBC gear is to be worn for events when representing 873. If you have no APBC gear, regular stripped uniform is appropriate.

Public Education News & Events
Recent Public Education Event Photos: