1.     Will crew seniority based on straight time be applied to job shares too?

a.     Yes, you’ll be able to work additional shifts and achieve your seniority through all regular hours, the same as a regular part time.

2.     Will RPT be able to job share?

a.     Not under the current language, job shares are a split of a FT position.

3.     Can someone in a job share hold a call out role in the same station or does it have to be at a different station?

a.     You can maintain a call out role at the same station if they have a call out unit there.

4.    For job shares and quarterly seniority adjustments. Will those who pick up extra shifts have those shifts count for seniority, or will seniority be capped at 50%?

a.    any additional straight time hours you work in a job share, or as a regular part time member will get credit towards your seniority up to a maximum of one ft. You can’t earn more than one year seniority in a year, but if you work extra straight time shifts, the extra hours will get credited.